William and Jacob Nodurft, Civil War Photo
5 Feb 1880, pg 2 col 3, Warren Rebublican, Williamsport Warren, IN
"Jacob M. Nodurft is making preparations to emigrate to the State of Kansas."
30 June 1881, pg 3 col 2, Warren Rebublican, Williamsport Warren, IN
"On her way from Attica last Friday Mrs. Jacob M. Nodurft when between Mrs. Boggs' farm and James Schemmerhorn's was assaulted and insulted by a tramp. She resisted him and raised an alarm which frightened the son-of-a-gun off. The fellow is sandy complexion, ditto hair and whiskers, and a stranger in these parts."
18 Feb 1886, pg 3 col 2 Warren Rebublican, Williamsport Warren, IN
"Jacob M. Nodurft and his entire family have arranged to make Rice county, Kansas, their future home. A car was charted last week for $99 and their household effects loaded last Monday and Tuesday at this place. The family started yesterday on the 10:42 mail in company with Richard Nodurft and daughter Ida. Uncle George H. Nodurft makes one of the party, who will also find a home in Kansas. Although this is a sudden decision it was fully considered before hand, for Mr. N has for sometime been anxious to locate in the West and was only awaiting the favorable opportunity. We wish them all a plwasant home and prosperity."
3 May 1884, pg 3 col 6, Warren Rebublican, Williamsport Warren, IN
The obit of John Wesley Smalley, father of Mrs. Jacob M. Nodurft
29 Nov 1883, pg 3 col 3, Warren Republican, Williamsport Warren, IN
The obit of Mollie Evans. She was being raised by Jacob M. and his wife since her parents died when she was 4 years old.
26 Sept. 1895, pg 3 col 2, Warren Republican, Williamsport Warren, IN
"Jacob Nodurft fell on Main street Tuesday and sustained a dislocation of his right shoulder. He jumped off his dray to go to the postoffice and slipped on the recently sprinkled pavement. Drs. Ingle & Johnson reduced the dislocation. -Hoopston Chronicle. Mr. N. is well known here, being at one time a citizen of this place."
1 Mar. 1894, pg 3 col 2 Warren Republican, Williamsport Warren, IN
"Jacob M. Nodurft and family of Rice county, Kansas, arrived safe and sound their new home Hoopston, Ills., last week, and expect to stay. We are glad to have them back in this region again."
7 Dec. 1893, pg 3 col 2, Warren Republican, Williamsport Warren, IN
"A late letter from Jacob M. Nodurft, Rice county, Kans. informs us that he has sold his farm and in the spring of 1894 will move to Hoopston, Ills., and go into business. He is just getting ready to return to old Warren- his old stamping grounds."
14 Jun 1894, pg 3 col 2, Warren Republican, Williamsport Warren, IN
"J.M. Nodurft and son Eva, drove from Hoopston, Ills. to the coal mines in this county for coal. each returning home with a load of Warren county's fine coal to be used in the canning factory at that place."
2 Nov 1893, pg 3 col 3, Warren Republican, Williamsport Warren, IN
" Jacob M. Nodurft, of Rice county, Kansas, spent several days last week at the World's Fair and then came to this place last Thursday where he spent four days with relatives and friends, leaving for hom last Monday morning. He was looking well and was fine spirits. We hope him a safe journey home."